2D stylised Animation
Produciton &Distribution
- This is the opening part for Boonie Bears animation film in 2024 new year, full film is in 3D...2024年4月26日中文观看渠道:【命运拳台:第6话 活出不一样的人生】 ...Horned horses migrate, with a survival rate of less than 40%, but they still cross crocodile...If life has a map, don't worry about cracks. Glaciers have cracks so that light can shine into...2024年4月26日DESTINATION: Summer-only Japan Tokyo-Kamakura Fireworks Festival, for the hesitant and indecisive...Client: Supercell Comissioned by: Buddha Animation 布袋动画 Momiqimio did the cover shot part. ...2024年4月26日A vast nothingness in which he sits and the wooden chair is there. From the darkness of the...2024年4月26日A comissioned MV made for famous singer in China, about a bee and an ant, share a ride together...2024年4月26日W On a stormy night, a drunk man stumbles back home. Vomiting accompanied by vertigo in...
2024, Momiqimio 杭州莫名其妙文化创意有限公司