On a stormy night, a drunk man stumbles back home. Vomiting accompanied by vertigo in which he sees two huge rats in his house. Disgusted and cranky he desperately attacks the two rats hoping they will go away. After a night like that, the morning wind blows everything away, leaving only the broken family portrait.
Director: Yuanqing CAI (蔡源青)
Producer: Charlotte Duanmu (端木子今)
Music: Tie Yann (铁阳)
Sound Design: Hangzhou Soundman (杭州山禾北人)
A short film from CAPSULES 1season, bilibili, 胶囊计划第一季,B站
Present by: Shanghai Kuanyu Digital Technology Co.,ltd, Hangzhou Momiqimio Culture & Creative Co.,ltd
Watch full film on bilibili: 【胶囊计划:第4话 癔症】 https://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ep748345/